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and the trouble & anxiety I have had in forwarding the concerns of Government without having having any assistance, but hope I shall make up for it the ensuing Season.

I have made some Descovery of Fowls in this Neighbourhood which I think are curious;  also an Insect which produces very fine Manna, which has been given as that Medicine and proves equally good.  It is only found on the narrow leaved Eucalyptus where thousands of these Insects resort to about the beginning of Novr and continue till Jany in the Winged State when they deposit their Eggs in the earth & dies.  I have them now in two Stages one without Wings & the other in Maturity I now only wait to get the Larva when I shall send you the whole tolorably complete with Specimens of the Tree &c.  This sachrene [possibly saccharine] substance can be gathered in large quantities, I am certain upwards of twenty Pounds might be procured from one Tree.  By a former Conveyance I sent Governor 

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