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I have got my appartments fitted up very comfortably, and but for the annoyance of the Admiralty, which has been extremely ungenerous, I should have left England as well as the parting from my Friends would have allowed. I yet trust I shall receive my Rank as Port and am confident my Dear Sir you will interest yourself to the utmost, it is no additional expence to government, but it will [indecipherable] means of preventing animosities and [indecipherable], as most likely the Admiralty would in the first Store Ship, send out a Port Captain as they did Woodrif in the Calcutta, & Colnet in the Catton. I did not hesitate to take up my commission as Commander of the Porpoise, but I trust, that for the good of the Colony in my consequence, and what is due to me, they will change it to Captain. I am sorry to say my headachs attack me every day, but when I get a little rest I hope they will bear away and I shall be free of them before we get into hot weather.
Pray give my respects to Lady & Miss Banks and believe me my Dear Sir Your old & faithful humble servant
Wm Bligh