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Barham has of himself decided against me, & that when my business was brought forward at the Board he (Sir Evan) was not present. He has been the means of appointing Mr. Putland to be one of my Lieutenants of Porpoise and altho it will be necessary for him to appear on board that Ship, yet as I am the Principal Captain & to take my Passage in the Sinclair, I shall, by my own Power, take him with me as an Assistant, for I presume we shall sail together from Spithead. If the Wind will allow, the Sinclair will leave the River, (at least Deptford), on Wednesday next to proceed to Spithead, where I shall embark after I have received my final orders, which perhaps will not take place until after next week, when, I have understood from Mr. Cooke all my business will be settled and my final orders given to me.