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of the Vessels of war employed in the Service of the Colony, absolutely require his controul. A Governor not a Naval character, would alter the Case; but here he is acting in the very line of his profession, and commands by right of his Rank which he holds in his Majesty's Navy, provided he is placed in full pay; which His Majesty's Instructions forcibly imply. The well doing if not the very existence of the Colony may depend on the prompt application of one of His Majesty's Ship's or Vessels on the Coast; while the opposition, or delay of the Commander, not under control, maybe the loss of it. The late & present Governor have in their dispatches to Government stated the necessity there is for having the command according to their Rank, & Governor King has particularized an instance of detriment to the Colony in the case of Capt Woodrif of The Calcutta. Besides the remoteness of the Colony makes it in its present state subject to inquietude, and impatience of contrant; and the existing War endangers it to an Attack from the common Ennemy , encouraged by