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September 6th 1811

My Dear Sir Joseph

I will not neglect the opportunity I now have of writing to you from the borders of Bootan & of enclosing a triplicate of a letter to His Majesty, begging you to put it into his hands, if you judge there be no impropriety in the step. In my letter from Rungpoor I told you that I did not wish for any appointment in an Embassy but only for protection. (excuse the Haste in wh I write. I am sitting in a shed, & tis raining cats and dogs.) I take the liberty of mentioning a man, whose observations on an Embassy might be very useful if he were willing to accompany it - tis Dr Trenthill, who I find is released from his captivity in France, & is now employed in giving medical Lectures in London. He has been very Eccentric, (regular people say) in his opinions & plans of life, but I believe he retains now no Eccentricities that his friends, in their hearts regret, or that his Enemies, if Enemies he has, can carp at as injurious to his own interests or those of society. A kinder-hearted

Aug 23 1812

[See 20.39 page 5 for the letter to His Majesty referred to]


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