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before next October --- then I hope he still be able to make a good job of it --- Cayley has made new Attempts to get to the mountains & has once crossed the Nepean: with all his faults, which he cannot help, I believe him clever & faithful except that he certainly suffers [indecipherable] to them I am informed he has such friends by the Speedy --- Notwithstanding this & all his eccentricities I believe fulfilling your wishes & expectations is his constant study ---
While the Naturaliste was here the Minerologist made experiments in the [indecipherable] stones that abound here; he says they contain too small a portion of iron for working; But that a respectable substance might be got from them for glazing porcelaine --- He could not discover any zinc there --- He says none was to be found on the S Wst Coast but the Investigator says different ---
Capt Flinders tells me that on one of the Northmost of the Islands that form D'Entrecastaux Straits or Archipelago they found a very considerable salt pit which could supply this Colony, this is an information I shall avail myself of as soon summer approaches and I have