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New Zealand Flax, from which he has made some very good coarse Canvas, but I do not think yet it will be possible to bring it to any fineness untill we can get two or three New Zealanders to point out the method of dressing it, which when obtained will enable us, to cloath every person on Norfolk Island & to afford some supplies of that necessary article to this settlement.
There is a Circumstance which will add greatly to the Consequence of this Settlement which is the Whale Fishery. Most of the Whalers here, have changed their plan of Fishing in the West Coast of America, Four of them Sailed yesterday, under a full persuasion of being able to Land their Ships in six or eight weeks & not go thirty Leagues from hense. It is needless for me to point out the very obvious advantages which will accrue to this colony if the Fishing succeeds & which I think there is little doubt of The most experienced among the Masters of the Whalers, has declared that he saw more Sperm. Whales in one day off the Pidgeon House, than he had seen in Six Years fishing on the Coast of Brazil
I shall have upwards of 1000