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Bull Calf, 17 Cows (4 of which in Calf) & 1 Cow Calf with about Sixty Ewes are now grazing in the park at Parramata, & are very Sleek & thriving

Very Great Exertions have been made here, & a vast tract off Land cleared, a number of people have become settlers, one of which has been some Months independant & the rest are making great advances towards it. From present appearances, I think there is every reason to expect a plentifull crop of Indian Corn, the Wheat has suffered much, from the great droughts, for Sixteen Weeks scarce any rainfall but some late Showers has given it a more promising appearance.

You have heard of our Friends narrow escape, the Natives are now on the most sociable terms with us, & Bannelong the Native who was so long in the Governors Family goes with me to Norfolk & as it is a voluntary offer of his own I hope we shall be able to instruct him in English.

Respecting Norfolk Island, we have the most flattering accounts (both publick & private) of the appearance of a very plentiful harvest. A Superindtent sent  there some time since has made considerable improvements in dressing the

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