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he returned; he says he has made a great collection & I hope his labours will indemnify the Expense he has incurred which you will [draw?] by the inclosure - . I could have wished that he had followed Mr Barrows directions as the Expense would not only have been saved but perhaps his collection might have been more chosen - and ready to be sent by the first Conveyance - he tells me that he shall send some things thro' the hands of Mr  Barrow. I hope he will give you satisfaction, but really he appears to me very wild. I have got some Cactus, aloe, & Guinea Plants, a prickly mimosa for hedging [indecipherable] plants, & others - of seed I have got a variety from the Botanic garden in [indecipherable] of difference species [indecipherable] Asiatic [indecipherable] & a great collection of East India seeds from Sir Geo Yonge one of my first cares will be something of a Botanic

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