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Courts Proceedings.
The same rules prevented the Court from hearing my Testimony in any stage of the Trial.
Considering therefore these circumstances, and that I have been deprived by Capt Short himself, through his withdrawing Charges which he had preferred against me a day or two before they were to be tried, of the opportunity of clearing my Character of all the imputations cast upon it, and which I have no doubt I should have been able to do most satisfactorily. I trust that their Lordships will bestow an attentive perusal on the enclosed Statement attested upon my Oath before a Magistrate. The motives upon which I brought forward my charge against Capt Short will be clearly collected from it, at the same time that it will remove any Impression to the Prejudice of Capt Bligh, who I am obliged in Justice to declare had no part whatever in the measures pursued by me against Capt Short. I do not presume