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Table, for himself, Officers, and the Gentlemen who accompany him; one half of which to be paid to him here, and the remainder in China, on his Application to the Select Committee of Supra Cargoes there for that purpose.
I am, with great esteem and regard,
Dear Sir,
Your very obedient
humble servant
East India House,
the 30th April, 1801
Soho Square
May 2 1801
Dear Sir
I beg leave to return you my best thanks for your obliging letter of the 30th and take the opportunity of publicly acknowledging that the very liberal conduct of the Court & Directors to the Commander, officers and scientific men on board His Majesty's ship Investigator, deserves in my opinion their best thanks and will I have no doubt ensure their most zealous endeavours to do service to the company.
Whether they will be able to effect discoveries sufficiently important to the Companies interest and [indecipherable] the liberal encouragement that has been given them is evidently uncertain but I confess I