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Dear Sir
In reply to your favour of the 24th, I have to acquaint you, that Mr Ramsay, the Company's Secretary, has directions to pay to your Order, the amount of your Account for the Hemp Seed, which you had the goodness to purchase. The Court have given orders for deducting 12/- a week from the wages of Mark Everson, for the benefit of his Wife; and if you will be pleased to cause the same to be paid her, it shall be repaid you whenever you may think proper. With respect to the Allowances to be made to the Commander and Officers of the Investigator Sloop of War, about to proceed for the purpose of surveying the whole of the Coast of New Holland, I am to inform you, that altho' they are not entitled to the Batta usually allowed to His Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed on Service in India, yet as the Company may eventually be benefitted by the result of the Service on which the Investigator will be employed, the Court have agreed to present Captain Flinders, her Commander, with the Sum of £1200 - to defray the expence of his Table.
Right Hon'ble Sir Joseph Banks, K.B.
&c, &c, &c.
April 30