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[Page 2]

List of Seeds

Boekia Stamens 9
Boronia angustifolia
______  serrulate
Corispermum foliis angustissima
Correa [ubiennda I believe I have confounded 2 species together
Crowea or Eriostemom flora coeruleo
Crowtheria like ericifolia but a distinct species
Epacris adorata
_______ porrifolia
_______  tubiflora
_______ species Atare, flora albo
Euphrasia grandiflora
Hortonia foliosa
Hullic ifida
Melaleuca teretifolia
Styphelia latifolia
_______ spiralis
Velleia lyrata
Xanthorrhoea arborescens
Didynamia Soranda bilifolia floribus viridibus
A rigid curling vine like plant

Though these papers are very small, yet some of them contain a great number of seeds; and for the most part have been gathered in a very good state.

Expect I shall be able to send Mr Dickson some seeds by the next ship.



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