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Novr. 8. 1802

Sir Joseph

Since I wrote the other letter I have been told that I might send a few seeds. Had I known of this sooner I should have sent more than what I have. I have also received information of some packing cases being on board the Alexander directed to me. This ship arrived here the 15th of Oct. last.  I have enclosed my observations in some of the journies that I have been and a description of Crowtheria virgate.

I am sorry to inform you that I have not yet got any skins of the Kangaroos that you are in want of. I have applied to the Natives and they tell me that they cannot catch any until they set fire to the places they inhabit. But had it not been for the war that was between our people & the natives I might have procured them long ago. 

Mr Barrelier set of on his journey on thursday last. They were 10 or 11 in number & all had [indecipherable]. A cart with two bullocks. This party I understand are likely to go a great way if we audit the reports but in my opinion it will fail for they cannot go above 2 days travel journey before they must part with the bullocks, & then every man must 

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