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now Resident at the Cape of Good hope I knowing no one who by success in the practice of Botany has gaind anything.

if you wish to apply yourself to the Study the only means I know of Raising yourself into nature is to learn the names of the [indecipherable] Plants Cultivated in the Botanic Gardens. English Botany is well known & many persons in the Country who practise it as an amusement nothing therefore is likely be got except in the exotic line & in that unless you are both diligent & fortunate you will not succeed.

if you have bodily strength & health & undertake the business of a Gardeners Labourer that is I believe the only good method of getting introduction we have several foreigners who every year enter in that Capacity in the Kings Gardens & some of them Persons of [indecipherable] necessity they Receive about ten shills [shillings] a week upon which they can maintain themselves & if they behave well they have great opportunities not only of studying the Culture of plants but also exotic botany

if you resolve to take this Step I will undertake to recommend you to some good Garden here & if you continue diligent & make proper progress I will from time to time give you such assistence of 

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