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Mar 7 1795
Seeing the translation of Murrays 13th edition of the Systema Vegetabilium by the Lichfield society, dedicated to you, in honour of the dangers and difficulties you encountered, when you sail'd round the world, on the account of exploring the works of Nature, (but Botany in particular) and the noble examples you have set forth to encourage the study of Nature. These following lines I hope you will not take amiss, I having pursued Botany for nearly 8 years, and now my mind being so fired with it, and for the study of entomology, which for want of time (having nothing but what I have to work for) I cannot pursue, which makes me to take the liberty to write to you, hoping that you would give me some encouragement, to assist some Botanist or employment of that like, which you should think proper, which would raise my spirits to the highest pitch, as for my bringing up I hope you will excuse, which was in the Stables and a little to the farming business, the former of which is quite reverse to the study of nature. June the 10th 1779, which day as mentioned in Capt Cooks voyages, had like to have proved fatal to the whole ships company in attempting to sail round new Holland, which day I suppose you have not forgot, proved to be the day of my Birth,
This Drosera which I send you I got last year on sunderland moss near Altringham [possibly Altrincham] in Cheshire it grew on grassy and more dryer Ground than the Drosera longifolia & rotundifolia
March U.