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as there is no varietys mentioned in Witherings Botanical Arrangements, I could not satisfy myself about it, but I believe there are some varietys mention'd in Hudson Flora Anglica, but that work not being in possession I have not the opportunity to consult it, The reason why I send you it gumed on paper is because I had no duplicate. This moss which I also send you I got on the 4th of this month near Mr Burtons reservoir of water at Middleton about 5 miles from Manchester, This Moss I first found in the begining of Feby 1794 which I shewed to Mr Bradbury, late of Staley Bridge and told me that he never had seen it before, but whether Mr Bradbury made it out I never heard, but as for my part I cannot agree it with any in Witherings Arrangements, I have Also a Fungus which I cannot make out, but I think it belongs to the genus Clavaria, the reason why I did not send it was because I could not inclose it in the Letter. Sir I should be very Glad to receive an answer as soon as you can conveniently send one concerning this affair and the plants I sent you which would satisfy my mind one way or the other,
I am your most obedient and most humble Servant
George Caley
Strangeways near Manchester
March 7th 1795
[Draft response follows:]
I do not know there is any mode by which less money has been got than by that of Botany except that Mr Masson who travels for the King & who is