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[This page is crossed through up to "To the Editors of the Gospel Magazine"]
Fall, and translate them into the kingdom of God's dear Son? It was the council of eternal love. Are his covenant children completely redeemed by the blood of Christ? Yes, I would answer, completely redeemed. Herein is love, amazing love! The Son of God takes our nature, becomes very Man, veils his divinity in humanity, leaves the bosom of his Father, the bright realms above, and tabernacles among us; to endure the scoffs, the ridicule, and blasphemous contempt of men, and the assaults and malice of the powers of darkness; and, above all, the hidings and frowns of his Father's face, and all that ponderous load of vengeance due to the fins of the elect. In that day of darkness, that day of the redeemed, when the sword of Justice awoke, and was sheathed in the heart of the Man, God's fellow!
Here, here! our powers of conception fail us, how faint our ideas of the agonizing sufferings of Christ! nailed to the cross; justice frowning! devils, with hellish malice, raging! all the sins of the elect charged on his holy soul! men, the emissaries of Satan, employing their wicked hands in the torture of his dear body! his sonl [soul?], sunk to the lowest abyss of mental misery, exclaiming, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!"
All he endured for his own dear people; whom, having loved, he loved to the end, or loved perpetually; and they are so completely one with Christ, in this bond of love, "that the Father loves them in the same love as he loves Christ." John xvii.23.
Mr. Editor. - Fearing I should intrude, by occupying too many of your pages, I shall postpone the remainder of this Sermon till next Month.
S O L I C I T A T I O N S.
D.L. wishes some of the Correspondents of the Gospel Magazine would employ their thoughts upon the following portion of holy writ: " A voice crying in the wilderness." It would be deemed, likewise, a favour, if the above excellent men would take a glance at the following test, and give their opinion of it: " The kingdom of heaven suffers VIOLENCE, and the VIOLENT take it by FORCE." Nor would their time be unemployed, to give a descant upon - David's fall into adultery, and Joseph's chastity.
Paddington, Sept. 4. 1807. B.W.
To the Editors of the Gospel Magazine.
G E N T L E M E N,
HAVING read, in your Magazine for October, an account of Tapeoee, an Otaheitan, and being myself interested in the Narrative there given, I take the liberty of requesting of your kindness and candour an early insertion of the following statement of this case : and from the religious Public, whose feelings are undoubtedly roused by the exparte account already given I hope for a candid, and not a critical, acceptance of this attempt to place the subject fairly and truly before them.