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To Ld Chatham
July 8 1791
My Lord
Understanding that Capt A of the Marines is a Candidate for the office of Agent to that Corps an emolument which has generally been bestowd on one of the Elder Captains, I cannot refrain from offering my testimony respecting his merit, he [indecipherable] one of Capt Cooks crew on the subject of whose pretentions preceeding Boards of Admiralty have done me the honor to accept my representations without deeming me impertinent.
He was my Lord at [indecipherable] when that gallant & able officer was unfortunately killd & receivd an award in attempting to defend him, his gallant conduct after the death of his Commander in risquing his life again wounded as he was for the Preservation of one of his men whose Life he savd is recorded in the fourth Chapter of Capt King's narrative [indecipherable] of the account of that voyage publishd under the sanction of the Admiralty.
Ever since his return from that voyage I have cultivated his acquaintance assiduously & can therefore bear a full testimony to the honor ability & integrity of his Private Character which I hold in so high regard that if he is successful I shall voluntarily offer my service to him as one of his securities.
To his abilities I can bear as full a testimony & it could be unjust to him to [indecipherable] that as a security of his Fidelity in his trust he is posessd of a small Landed Estate which will enable him to give a competent security in his own person for such sums as it maybe necessary in the course of his employment to leave in his hands.
I shall trouble your Lordship no further on this subject well knowing that I have no pretention to ask any favor or to feel the slightest degree of dissatisfaction should your Lordships determination in this matter go against my friend except to request your Lordships Pardon for this trouble I have given interference & to say that should he be successfull I should feel as he will no slight degree of gratitude.
Dr. Burney
June 8 -91