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that he is an old Captain in the Corps to this place appertains, & which is usually bestowed on a Capt. of a certain standing; that he had the honour of attending Captain Cook in his last expedition in which I flatter myself his services were considerable. He was wounded on the spot where we unfortunately lost that eminent Navigator. The Lords of the Admiralty indeed so far approved of his conduct as to promote him over the heads of many officers. It appears likewise that his subsequent conduct has been much approved by General Smith & the officers whom he has served. I believe he might have obtained a small pension, in consequence of having been wounded; but as he was not disabled, he thought himself sufficiently rewarded, at that time, by his promotion.
I am totally ignorant, dear Sir, of the nature of the employment he wishes to obtain, as well as of his qualifications for transacting the business of it. I am however persuaded that he w.d not desire an