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the quarter before the final parade cheered. In Everybody was waiting about at 8, the hour we moved off, and there was a general rush for equipment. In spite of this at the last moment two men missed the bus in my platoon, & their places were filled by reinforcements. They turned up before we left very drunk but terribly anxious to go, but in spite of entreaties were not allowed to go.
As we marched through Heliopolis towards the station the whole town turned out, and in one place a large French tricolor dipped to us as we passed & our chaps cheered enthusiastically. Everybody is bucked by the immediate prospect of active service, and special precautions had to be taken to prevent Light horse & others slipping in & stowing away to get to the front. For the last few days troops have been continually moving, & the trains have been taxed taking them to Alexandria. It is now an open secret that

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