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mats we have to a certain extent made our tents comfortable but still there is no getting away from the dust.

Already the heads are working us solidly, and six hours a day parade is enough for anybody, in fact it is rather monotonous. In the morning we do an hours physical exercise before breakfast, and this is rather welcome, as the nights are bitterly cold, and we have not overmuch blanket supply. Breakf The messes are held in sheds specially built for the purpose, one company to each shed, and this is certainly an improvement on the old system whi and the awful scramble for something to eat is a thing of the past.

After breakfast three hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon, mostly spent on the new drill & organisation used in the British army. Then we are free, 20% to go to Cairo, the remainder to Heliopolis or stay in the camp.

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