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[Second Page 47]

(Wednesday 12th)
Got up at Ravelie We are going to a parade ground about two miles in the desert the ground here is hard and not bad to drill on stopped out till 2.30 (pm) There is Spinal menigitis cases in camp We have to take gargles twice a day Went for silent night march across desert returned at 8.30 (pm) Am feeling pretty tired
(Thursday 13th)
Revalie at 6.30(am) Gargle parade at 7 (am) Breakfast at 8(am) Batt moved off to parade ground and went through different parades left parade ground at 4(pm) and returned through Town to camp. Had another gargle parade at 5 (pm) tea at 5.15(pm) Very windy and cold to night turned in early
(Friday 14th)
Gargle parade at 7 am. Battalion for duty to day [Indecipherable] going on fatigue at 10.30(am) Fell in and marched to Ishmalia railway station they did not want us there so we returned to camp. Very windy and the sand is very annoying as one's eyes are always full up. Nothing to do this afternoon. Turned in early.
(Saturday 15th)
Not feeling well this morning went to doctor marked light duties bad cold on chest. Went for swim water very cold, wrote letter to Kitty came back to camp at 5(pm) Turned in early
(Sunday 16th)
Reveillie 6(am) Review and inspection by General Murray, General in charge of the Levant The whole division was there Returned to camp after a three mile march through the sand Went over to village in evening.
Took miday meal and stopped on parade ground till 4.30 pm and came in through the village. We do not get too much to eat here and have to buy most of our own food turned in early.
(Tuesday 18th)
Company for duty I am detailed off for camp picket keeping the niggers out of the lines. Shall be on this till 10 (pm) Dismissed at 10(pm) and turned in
(Wednesday 19th)
Left parade ground in front of Battalion lines and went out to usual parad ground in desert not doing any strenuous training as we are not settled down in camp and have got to move came in at 5 pm gargle parade and then tea

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