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Position is very "windy" & one has not much cover if Fritz strafes. Went on duty again at 6 till 8. Another stunt came off at 7.30. Rather a quiet day. Stunt started at 7.30. N.Z.'s are going over lets hope they are successful.
15th June 1917. Not much sleep on account of the bombardment. The N.Z.'s gained their objective in their attack. Batteries going all day on the Hun. Went on duty at 4 till 8 4 till 6. Worked on telephone dugout afternoon.

16th June 1917. On duty through the night 12 till 4. Spent day in fixing up dugout & filling bags for telephone station. On duty 12 till 4 Day very hot Fritz has his new "red" planes out today & they seem rather the last word in aircraft. Went on duty 8 till 12 [indecipherable].

17th June 1917. On duty at 8 till 12. Very hot day. Did not do much in the way of work. On duty at 6 till 8.

18th June 1917. Came on early in morning at 4 till 8. Was on duty at 4 when Fritz started to shell heavily. Anyhow we had to get for our skins to the accompaniment of Fritz's shrapnel & HE. Before we got away one of our sargeants was killed. We did not go back to battery till early morning having spent the night out in the trenches here about.

19th June 1917. Fritz started his little games again this morning. So we have to get again. He got rather quiet later but only we telephonists took up position. I went on

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