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27th April 1917.Get up at 5.30 and got ready to go to Boulogne for the day. Got train from Longueville and arrived at Boulogne at 7.30. Had breakfast & then walked up the beach esplanade nearly to Wimmereux a resort north of Boulogne. Went back by tram to town for dinner. After dinner took the tram to D'Outreau then to Le Portel suburbs of Boulogne. Had afternoon tea & made a few purchases and after tea went to St Martins to catch the train to Longueville. Arrived home tired. Letters from home.

28th April 1917. Reveille 6 Parade & marching drill morning. Afternoon off. Received letters from Father. Got to bed after writing Aust mail day.
29th April 1917. Reveille 6 on church parade & horse grazing. Very easy day. Day bright & sunny. Wrote letters to Millie & Katherine. Voted today on the Commonwealth elections.

30th April 1917. Reveille 6. Sports held today. Rather a bum show. Finished up at 1 oclock. Fooled around all the afternoon. Got ready for moving back to Armentieres tomorrow.

1st May 1917. Reveille at 5. Moved off from Brunembert at 9. Travelled all day till 5 when we arrived at the same village near St Omer where we stayed coming up. Billeted at a fine place. Got to bed at 9.

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