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Wed July 24
Pouring rain again. Went on clothing parade and changed my Boots.

There are 36 attending the Motor School now, which in my opinion, is far too many. We are falling over each other.

The parcel I received from Mother yesterday was jolly welcome, and contained sugar and cake, and various other things which are jolly hard to get nowadays.

Thurs July 25.
It rained on St Swithins' day, and it has poured ever since. It's a wonder they don't strike Swithin off the Saint list.

Wrote Mother. After Tea Perc Taylor and I went into Town. Met Ted Sutton on the Prom. He is down with Papers from H.Q. He works in the office where they fix up the Boat Rolls, and promises to keep his eyes open for my papers. So, B.E., I really ought to get Home one of these days.

Sat July 27th
Fine day. Procession of W.A.A.C's thro' the town and very well they looked.

Sun 28th
Met Bill Western in town and had a good old yarn. He is stationed down here so we shall see more of each other. There are plenty of visitors and the town is quite lively. Gee: I forget to tell Ted Sutton about my other Board Papers. Must drop him a line to Horseferry Road.

Mon July 29th
This time last year I arrived at Rouen. Little did I think I would be in Blighty for so long then. This is our last week at the Motor School. Douglas Duncan, the "Wool Classer" and I had half an hours tuition from Peter, in driving. I did fairly well, but might have done better.

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