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Wed. Apr. 3
War news serious, but hopeful. It seems a great pity that such a beautiful city as Amiens should get knocked about.
It's to be hoped the Huns are driven back before they do much damage.
Foch, the French General is now in supreme command of the Allied troops and Fritz doesn't seem to like it.
Thur. 4
Got short note from Ruth B, enquiring if I received her last letter. She says she is getting mail regularly from France. I can't make out why I am not.
[Drawing of head and shoulders of a girl, with yellow hat and dress]
Is this something like a Girl I know? Or is it only my imagination.
A Girl with Sea-blue eyes who visited me at Ascot Vale Camp on Cup Day, 1915.
Friday 5.
Germans are massing troops for another big push, but our heads seem confident that they can hold him back. Hindenburg was to have been in Paris by April 1st but the day kept up its reputation as far as he was concerned. They are 8 miles from Amiens yet.