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Mon. Feb 11
Glory Alleluia! 2 more Letters from B.E. and some snaps. I'll have to get busy now and answer them. My day on. Was kept busy all day. Got my Photos from Reynolds. They are not much good. I wonder what Lill will think of 'em.
After Tea went to Concert at Y.M.C.A. 5th Pioneers. It was their first appearance and they did very well. The "Anzac Coves" are showing at the Court Theatre, London.
Tues. 12
Sent photos to Lill. Wrote to France and sent photo.
Wed. 13
Things are mixed up a bit in the Kitchen, the Painters are in.
Got a new pair of breeches from Q.M. Store, so as soon as I get some money, I'll put in for Leave.
Wrote Letter No 6 7 to M.S.
Thurs\Fri 14 and 15th
Things bubbling over in the Kitchen. Something will be doing shortly. Toby had a row with the Housekeeper over the C.O. sugar.
Fri. 15th
Bert went away on 4 day's Leave and left Yank in charge of the Kitchen. Mrs Draper is going away too and another Lady is taking her Job over. Yank cooked a good dinner at night and things went off very well. To make matters more exciting the Painters are doing the place out and things are upside down.
Sat. 16
Mrs Draper went away this morning. She gave me some candles before leaving, so I must be in her good books. Had a Bath in the afternoon.