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to obtain games. We had, one night, a visit from a celebrated singing teacher. He decided, (and it was a good idea) to teach the boys to sing choruses. It was surprising how quickly they got the hang on it and joined in heartily.

The river that flowed by the camping ground was very similar to the Leichhardt Canal.

I didn't stay long at Etaples. Finished the 10 days at the "Bullring" and word then came that we were to proceed up the line. Lieut Cormack who had come over from Australia with us asked me to go as his batman. This was afterwards "cut out" as Mr Cormack did not go along with us.

We set out about 1/30 am in the morning for the train. We had a final examination before the M.O. at Etaples. I then could have

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