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2/8 The 5th Div have come out for a few days (10). They have been in the line practically continuously since january. Speaking to one of them. He told me of two rather funny incidents. In one case a chap was carrying a bag of flares over in a Stunt when the bag was struck by an Enemy flare and which ignited most of the Flares it contained. The Aussie went for his life, looking like a mobile volcano belching out Red, Green & white, Stars everywhere. Every Fritz that was not otherwise engaged, had a shot at him but he got back O.K. I believe it was in the same Stunt that a runner was sent to see if the troops had attained their objective. The runner went to the objective (a certain trench) got up on the parapet & innocently enquired "Any Aussies there"? Bang Whizz. Bang, etc was the answer. The Trench was full of Fritzs. The Runner justified his name then if he never did before & escaped Scatheless
4/8 Sunday "Smart Set" last night & there met Jacobs who recognised me immediately Although younger than I am His temples are nearly snow white & he looks 25 years older than when I last seen Him about a dozen years ago. On comparing notes we discovered that we were on leave in Paris together. Were at the same theatres on the same night & left Paris on the same day & yet we never met each other. He was with McRae when the latter earned the D.C.M. & says that Mac. fully deserved it for his coolness & courage.