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concerned (8th Batt. I believe) being clinked for fraternising with the Enemy. H.Crothers is with the company now, He told me that he intended to give E&M a go, He introduced me to his Brother today.
Sat. 9.3 Came back to find a list of 35 who had to return to their units this morning. Another 40 have to go. My Paris leave looks rocky. Hellova Barrage last night. Armentierres & south of Armentierres.
Sun 10.3.18 Fritz sent some 8: (at least) H.V. Stuff this afternoon trying for the Station He killed one & wounded four He was trying for the leave train I think, We put the clock back one Hour this morning so the train left one Hour later only for that fact there would have been Hellova lot of casualties. Our place is right against the Station so we had the Wind up alright. He must have pretty good information to know the time the leave train leaves. I hope to ____ he don't get trying to get it on the day I get Paris leave. Things are at Sixes & Sevens here none of us know when we are going to get the Order of the Bag. Some Electricians are to go soon so I am worrying about my Paris leave, if I get that I don't mind.
Monday 11.3.18 All the Sisters are leaving No 2 C.C.S. this morning in response to a notification from Fritz that he is going to shake things up. That looks bad for us. I sent 6 photos to young Les.
14.3.18 On Monday our Battalion got shelled in their Billets in Nieppe