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Saturday 23.3.18 Late last night Got stranded in the back blocks of Paris by false alarm of an air raid These French people have the wind up on this subject alright. The Trains Trams Tubes Busses etc all stopped We seen plenty of abandoned Taxis, & tried to coax the Drivers back by using the Hooter but there was nothing doing, We had to walk all the way back, over the latter part of our course we met a guide who lived at Montmatre but did not mind the trouble of showing us our way. This incident led to some curious misunderstandings. We were very late for an appointment we had with some Canadians. I have very little sleep here. Most of the time I am too excited & the rest of the time I am generally on the run. At Breakfast this morning there was another alarm and the same scenes were enacted again. Everything stopped, Shops closed. Aeroplane [Indecipherable] circling over the city etc. One cannot go anywhere. It is now 2.30P.M. and everything is still held up. I heard three bombs fall. Of these one fell in the place de la Republic and another on the Gare de L'est. Very These French people are the roughest people I have seen in the tubes at any rate. They rush Bump & Bustle like Hell. Talk about Sydney its not a bit like it. The traffic is absolutely uncontrolled & a chap has to go for his life to dodge the Taxis. Another alarm at 9.0PM & I am sitting in the Hotel Moderne with Tucker in front of me

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