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Friday 16
sighted land I doubted that the high and apparently close thing was other than a cloud. As the "cloud" did not change in shape were assured of its being Africa. At first it was just like a big regular cloud the higher part brighter than the lower. As the sun rose and the light became stronger we could see a range of mountains somewhat inland and the lower hills near the beach forming the darker portion of the "cloud".

The coast consists of big sand dunes every here & there then rather hilly ground past which we cannot see with exception of high range of mountains behind. We were I suppose about 5 miles from shore at one time but now we can only very dimly see it as there is a rather big bay. We have just past Bird Island lighthouse 12 noon.

A memorial service was held today in connection with Kitcheners death. It was very simple & ended with the Last Post & then the National Anthem.

It is very sunny now & the swell is pretty high. Past two steamers going in opposite direction early this morning. These were the first ships seen after being out about 2 days when we saw a rather large vessel. A township supposed to be Port Albert was passed about 10 a.m. Sighted sailing ship right ahead early in afternoon & past in just on darkness setting in. As it was going in same direction it took time to overtake it. Past various a lighthouse, a bouy, and a ship in evening.

Had a great concert on the troop-deck and turned in pretty late after the by far most interesting day of the trip as examining the shore with glasses, viewing passing ships & alive with expectation of a good time at Cape Town made something unusual to occupy ones time.

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