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go to Birmingham for general instruction & then come here for riding and cable work. After finishing here they go to Hitchin where they are [formed?] up into "drafts" (reinforcements) & sent to France or Mesopotamia.

The officers do not know why we came here as we are trained as far as this place but we understand our Major told the authorities that we were recruits & of course we are being treated as such.

Spent evening in chatting with the Tommies with whom we are doing well.

Saturday 5th
5 am again & stables after it. Spent the morning with a cable drill and had a good time when an officer personally explained things on the wagon to another chap & myself. He was a bit a dandy but we seem to "get" them all right On marching back to our tents which are ½ mile from where we drill to, I got a mail of four letters & then prepared for leave to Bedford 6 miles away.

Immediately after tea dinner we set off and were taken in by a military motor wagon. The River Ouse flows through there & is very pretty & provides good boating of which we partook. We had tea there walking about to see the place & caught a drag about 11 p.m. home. There was a decent crowd of us and so were had a good sing-song all the way home.

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