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At 6.30 I took the service at the Y.M.C.A. & gave an address on the same text. There were about 200 men present. We had a great time. 6 men signified their willingness to serve Christ.
The night was very foggy but fairly quiet in the front.

Monday 18th
Woke up with a sore chest.
Visited Hospital this afternoon.

Tuesday 19th
Throat very sore. Had a bad night. Visited Trenches today. Had lunch with Major Sneddon. Went through A & B Coys support trenches. While I was chatting with Major Rodd the shells were bursting over B Coys support, shrapnel & high explosives. I was very tired when I got back.

My throat is very sore still & my back is aching badly. I stayed in this morning. This afternoon I went to the 33rd Billets to try & get some of the lads to come to Bible Class. I saw Fred Robinson, young Holloway & Melvaine. Bible Class tonight, 11 present, Fred, Holloway, Dains.

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