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Friday 15th
Visited Billets this morning. Made up the personal effects of Pts. Hancock & Thompson & forwarded them to wife & Father respectively, also wrote letters to both.
Everything fairly quiet today.

Saturday 16th
This morning we got news that the French had advanced 10 kilometers (6 miles) on a depth of 3 K 1 4/5. This is their answer apparently to the German peace proposals.
Visited Billets this morning. Weather fine & clear till midday then overcast & cold. Front very quiet.

Sunday 17th
This morning we had a visit from General Birdwood. He came very quietly & made an inspection. Our services were interfered with. I was expecting our men to go into the trenches so we should not have had a service. This afternoon I gathered a few men about 35 in one of the Billets & had a service. It was a nice little service. Text, "Thou art Simon, thou shalt be Peter".

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