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Thursday 18 October 1917
A day to remember of long quiet – on a moveless ocean. A "sea of glass" with most wonderful jelly fish, pink, sea weed, funny [see image for drawing] sort of live things floating by, shaped at times like a + others O so – fish enclosed as it were in an outer glass frame with phosphorus lights playing around & through them. Now swallows are coming to light in the rigging & tell us land is near, then a stray seagull floats overhead with its plaintive cry and our cats (4 legged) spring up, and nature brings the hunting instinct to eyes used only to watch rat holes. Large shoals of porpuses (?) break the glass-like appearance of the Arabian sea. A new moon vies with Venus in making the evening sky more beautiful after the sun has sunk a ball of fire right in our path.

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