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Sunday 28th April 1917 [1918]
A beautiful day, wind cold when sitting in grounds. Really up and walking, a bit shakily it is true, around the premises. 2 S.A's to talk to Officer Gibbs newly married and Pte. Howard.
Not up in time for church as new M.O., C. Rankin, visits.
10.45 a.m. cold & stiff, now I learn to appreciate the true gentleman C. Spencer is & the thorough doctor Col. Trout is. One always finds out these things by comparison, it would seem. This one merely shrugs re the swab & Sister takes it later on.
N. Sister tells me she has R. Main, 10 officers including myself, 42 in Annex & 24 at other end Left Main, so not so bad for n. duty, most all convalescent.
We hear all late leave stopped for 31 & Nasalie [?] Hosp'l's. one fair lady or two, coming home intoxicated!!! Ah Sisters!!

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