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Wednesday 24 April 1917 [1918]
A long quiet day. Sewing, reading, writing (letters to S. Peile, Frank Blundell, Eva for 14th June).
Grey silk underskirt finished & looks really well for me. Calico Pt. 9 per metre for white one. M.O. 10.30 a.m. takes swab, explains effect diph. has on eyesight & orders large print (rather late). Is kinder than usual as asks if am "worrying over anything Sister"? I say "have given it up" but he evidently knows that this little pain in cardiac may be a worry & it is.
Diph. swabbings may be Positive, positive plus, Negative, Hoffmann's, latter, Miss McLean explains, is a sort of either one or the other & not sure what it is.

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