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[apoint?] him as a Collector of natural history - to Confine himself in some degree to be more immediate business of the naval department & ^ ^ at all times when he can be usefully employd in the business of surveying to Leave the Collecting & preparing seeds & of Specimens & to the Care of the Collector, at all times when he can be usefully employd in the busines of surveying to assist the Collector as much as ^ ^ the nature of the Service will Permit he can by sending him in boats to such places as appear likely to be productive of Curiosities & by sharing men both to assist him in Carrying such heavy articles as he may have occasion for ashore or may think proper to bring on board or only to accompany him for his Defence against the natives, & to Facilitate as much as possible all such researches as tend to procure a Knowledge of natural history of the Country the Customs of the