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I am not posessd of materials necessary to make out with accuracy the account what they are, the number of subscribers, the sum that has been already subscribd & the amount of the Plaintiffs Costs, all these things you will be able to ascertain accurately. I shall however in order to make my proposals intelligible subjoin a calculation taken from the numbers as they have been given to me.
Amount of Mr. Pennells bill after deducting £100 | 850 |
Amount of Costs to be paid for Taylor & Baxter | 95 |
Total Charges | 945 |
Amount of subscriptions voluntarily made | 546.1 |
Remains due to Mr. Pennell & the nominal Plantiffs | 398.19 |
63 names are signd to the copy of the subscription which you sent to me. Each therefore by the Legal mode of division will have £6.4.9 to pay but if it cant can be divided by the more equitable way 15 Sh. in the pound on the money already subscribd would raise the amount & a little more.
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