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of May or early part of June, and I am in hopes they will reach the Niger before the rainy Season properly sets in. Captain Evey in a Letter of the 25th April mentions his having engaged a Moor of the name of Bounama; a well informed Arabian Priest, who had formerly resided at Tombuctoo, and who promised to accompany the Mission to that place, and to bring back their Journal. I am personally acquainted with that man and I look upon him as one of the most intelligent Natives of Africa I ever met with as he had some matters to settle with King Daniel he had promised to meet the Party on their march at a Stream called Niola Caba in Tenda where the party were last seen. They had reached a considerable distance beyond that place.
I have the honor to be &c
P.S. Captain Gray requested me to solicit your Lordship to order half a dozen Nautical Almanack's for the use of the expedition for the Years 1819 and 1820 - if they are transmitted out immediately I will beg to have them sent after him.