
Mythology etc. (Contd.)

Noog.gunner.                               Was a ghost. The natives had many

                                                                           kinds of ghosts devils phantoms etc.

                                                                           but the worst kind was Noog.gunner

                                                                           who was always supposed to be

                                                                         doing harm. The worst kind of

                                                                         "Noog.gunner" was a bald headed

                                                                           one, (Birry.ger noog.gunner) &

                                                                           he was greatly feared for his evil

                                                                           and malignant deeds.

Coop.a                                                    An ordinary ghost, coop.a is

                                                                           the name for a cray fish because

                                                                           of its ugly appearance.

Wun,yerra.                                        The  Devil, nearly as much feared          

                                                                           as Noog.gunner.















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