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[Page 203]

First day had to Report at Head Quarters & then do shopping. While at Head Quarters me Myra Wyse whose wedding we wanted to be over for & to our delight have been in time. She was so excited at meeting us, she & her sister who is over from France for the event, spent the day together. We had lunch to-gether, shopped & then dinner & to see "Romance", it is an awfully pretty little play & we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Next day did more shopping & fixed up Pay-book. From the 30th November I have made my allotment of 5/- per day, so you will be receiving double the amount after that date. I have plenty to go on with & am sure can manage very well on the remaining amount.

Wednesday-night spent from 12 till 3 a.m. in the basement. Wretched Air-raid.

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