
entirely from my own resources as I

am not aware of much that may have has

been written or said, about  the Abori-

ginees from which I could derive,

much advantage, even if I had it

to refer to. And as I have made the  

Blacks for more than [six?] years the main

objects of my attention & study, I

fancy I do not presume too much if

I express chiefly my own opinion & the results  

of my experience.   You will therefore

bear with me, if my own name  

and personal efforts are now and then al-

most unavoidably mixed up with my



And now  I shall now proceed to make a  

few remarks as to the various questions

which may naturally rise in our minds:

When  & how these wild sons of  original  

inhabitants came to this country, when  

they came and with  [to?] what a other races

they seem to be more nearly related,  

bear a resemblance

Current Status: 
Ready for review