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resumes Command of the Batt from this date
Para 6 Medical
Cases of Scabies have been contracted by the civilian population in England from soldiers on leave. Prior to granting leave, Unit Commanders should have men inspected for this disease.
Para 7 Inspection Duties
There will be a Camp Inspection daily at 10 00
Orderly officer tomorrow Lt. W.P. Adams.
Next for duty Lt. A Laughlin
Part 2
Para I Transfer
The following transfer has been approved - No 2223 Private H.C..B. Nelson from 5th Battn to 6th Battn dates 20/9/16
Para II The following officers are restored to the establishment from Supernumerary list.
Lt. AG Carne Dates 22-8-26
Lt. WP Adams 27-7-16
Lt. [Rakad?] 30-7-16
Signed C Guilfoyle
Capt Adj