Item 03: Arthur John Moore diary, 1 January 1918-10 January 1919 - Page 18

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[Page 18]

Mon. Mar 4
Received Letter from Mr Bradley thanking me for Particulars of Charley's death, who was killed near Westhock Ridge, on Fri Sept 21/19.
Com. Letter No 11 to B.E.

Tues. 5
Bert the Chef finished up. "Yank" is taking on the Job, with "Darkey" to help him.

Finished Letter No 11.

Wed. 6
"Snowy" returned from Leave only 1 day A.W.L.

Thurs. May 7
The Depot Band is away in London, and the Formal dinner went off without it. It seemed very strange.

To everybody's surprise "Woody" "shouted" for all hands after the "Shivoo" was over.

Got Letter from Lizzie Rowley.

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