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Fri. Jan 4.
Paid a number of visits around the Town. Mrs Ibbs, Newcastle Road, Louie Collier and Fred. Saw Freddy Jacks, Mr Jeffries, the Piano player, and heaps of people, who enquired after Mother & all. The Photos Mr Jacks took of Ibby & myself turned out Failures. At night we had a Sing Song and Cribbage.
Sat. 5.
Got Mr Jacks to take a few copies of the enlargement of Lill and me, as it is too big to send Home. Ern and I went to a dance at St Michael's Institute, but I got too giddy and had to give up.
Sun. 6.
Intercession Day. The Council headed by Mt Geo. Bagot led a procession to St Michael's Church. I intended to go but got up too late. After Dinner Ern and I paid a visit to The Cemetery where mine and Ern's Fathers are buried quite close to each other too. All the Hotels closed all day.
Mon. Jan. 7th
Had Tea at Mrs Hambleton's Brewery Stables. Met Lizzie Wamlow in the Town, who asked me in to Mr John Harding's to have a cup of Tea. She said the Col. said he would very much like to meet me, as he knew Father so well; but the day I called he was out & I never bothered again.
Tues. 8
Market day again. Went into Town with Ern. Met Mrs Blakeman & Mrs Jack & Sybil Straw. Mrs B was quite put out because I had not paid them a visit, so I promised to go out there tomorrow.
Wed. 9
Said "Goodbye" to Mabel and Mrs Harvey and Fred, and wended my way to the Station. Met Ern at the Star. Went out to Shirley with Ruth and Mrs Jo. Abe met me at the station. Stayed there that night. Slept with Frank.