Item 03: Arthur John Moore diary, 1 January 1918-10 January 1919 - Page 76

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Tues Aug 20.
I left my diary behind at O.T.B. and this morning was pleasantly surprised to find that the Hut Orderly had sent it on to me. It was jolly decent of him, and I must write and thank him.

After Tea Murrell and I walked into Le Havre. We paid a penny and went for a trip in a car down a hill, instead of walking down about a thousand steps. It was certainly a penny well spent. We met a Canadian on our way in who knew his way about, so he made a good travelling companion.

Wed Aug 21

Still very hot. We got orders to move down the Line today, but it was cancelled. Murrell and I walked into a village about 3½ miles away from Camp. There is a beautiful big park there, which was full of kids, and they quickly surrounded us with requests for souvenirs and "Un son Messieurs".

Thur Aug 22
Yesterday we got a Cigarette issue. 4 pkts Cigs, 1 pkt Tobacco and 2 Boxes matches. Not bad for one week's issue. The Food is pretty good here. For dinner today we had Meat Pie and Rice Pudding which went down well. After Tea Murrell and I went into the village for a stroll.

Fri Aug 23
Well there are no news of our moving yet, so they can't be too badly in need of us. Was having a wash this morning when I hear somebody say "Hello, Jack Moore". I looked round and discovered it to be Bert Phegan. He is marked unfit for the Line, belongs to the 24th Batt. They are expecting another draft in today which will just about fill the Camp up. The news from the front continues good.

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