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Wed July 19th
This time last year we were at Senlis, preparing for a Concert.
The fellows who were on the D 16[?D 17 mention in entry for July 18th] and got torpedoed are getting around the Camp in all kinds of rig-outs. Some of them have some startling tales to tell.
At the Motor School we had a Lecture on Cooling and Lubricating. Most of the School are in 47 Hut and we have some great old arguments at times. It rained all day.
There was a Thanksgiving Service at the Y.M.C.A. for the Safe return of the men.
Wrote Mother:
Gee: I must write Nell tomorrow.
Thur July 18
More rain, Saw Jack Edgar, Charley Bowler, and Claude Dundes tonight. They are all on the Boat Roll. Lucky beggars. I'm beginning to wonder if anything is going to come of Mr O.P.'s promise.
Went into Town after Tea, but things are very quiet.
Friday July 19
Second anniversary of the Battle of Fromelles. My first time in action and a lively time it was too.
It poured in rain all day.
The war news is good. The French have driven Fritz back 4 miles on a 25 mile front and taken 20,000 prisoners. Hooray.
Wrote to Nell.